§ 105. Building score.  

Latest version.
  • 105.1.

    General. After determining the appropriate data from section 104, enter that data in Table 105 and total the building score.

    Table 105. Summary Sheet—Building Score

    Safety Parameters (Note 1) Fire Safety Means of Egress General Safety
    1. Number of Stories
    2. Building Area
    3. Property Line Distance NA
    4. Attic Compartmentation NA
    5. Fire Stopping NA
    6. Mixed Occupancies NA
    7. Vertical Openings
    8. HVAC Systems
    9. Smoke Detection
    10. Fire Alarms
    11. Smoke Control
    12. Exit Capacity
    13. Dead Ends NA
    14. Maximum Travel Distance NA
    15. Interior Finishes NA
    16. Fire Rating of Exits
    17. Emergency Power
    18. Elevator Control
    19. Fire Sprinklers
    Building Score (Note 2)
    Note 1: Indicate the reason for the score in each parameter, and attach this information to the summary sheet.
    Note 2: See the Qualification Criteria for determination of building compliance.


    Qualification Criteria

    If the building score under each column is equal to or greater than zero, the qualified historic building is considered to be a code complying building and may be used for the proposed occupancy, provided the prescriptive requirements of sections 106, Plumbing, and 107, Electrical are also met.

    If the building score of any one of the columns related to fire safety, means of egress or general safety is less than zero, additional safety measures shall be provided to bring the total numerical score of that column to a value which is equal to or greater than zero.

(Ord. No. 980293, § 1, 2-8-99)